Tennessee Homeschool Umbrella

Giving families easy affordable options

An Umbrella School is not required to homeschool and is strictly voluntary.


Every family is unique and has different needs. You get to choose the enrollment that best covers your needs, budget, and family size. You have the option to choose the bare minimum, or have more services. 


Low cost options starting at $20/yr for families who choose to use an Umbrella. We give you quality service and reliability without unnecessary costs, requirements, or obligations. With Honor School, you never pay for services you don't need.


Honor School offers same-day processing for many of our services, even enrollments! Documents such as transcripts, IDs, and more can be sent to you via email ready for immediate printing. No need to wait for a paper copy to come via snail mail.


  • Coverage for entire family for one low price
  • NO per-child fees, application fees, late fees, hidden fees, etc.
  • Same-day enrollments
  • Exemption from state testing
  • Enrollment filed with local school system
  • Homeschool counseling & support
  • Record-keeping services
  • Easy electronic/online transactions
  • Membership lasts 12 consecutive months
  • Enroll anytime of the year


  • Transcript
  • Report Card
  • Teacher ID
  • Student ID
  • Proof of Enrollment
  • Diploma
  • College Dual Enrollment Services
  • Social Security Verification Services
  • Annual Renewal Notifications
  • Enchanted Learning® Membership

$20 Bronze enrollment

Homeschooled student doing homework

$40 Silver enrollment

Girl reading a homeschool book

$60 Gold  enrollment

Boy studying  homeschool school work

book shelf with books for homeschooling

Minimal Requirements

  • Parent must have high school diploma / GED
  • 180 days per year attendance
  • Renew annually

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